Through good service we achieve good customer relations. Contact us and we'll help you as best we can, as soon as we can.
Novatek AS
Tømmerkrana 24
3048 Drammen
Phone: +(47) 22 72 35 40
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Jørn Torstensen
+47 976 06 910
Anette Moen
Logistics manager
+47 986 23 005
Hani Alsaid
Service/Technical sales/Design
+47 925 07 689
Fredrik Spång
Service/Technical sales
+47 976 01 861
Per Erik Halkinrud
Service/Technical sales/Design
+47 917 78 065
Håkan Spång
Service/Technical sales
+47 900 14 033
Vanessa Arantes Figueira
Chemistry engineer/Chemical engineer