External GDPR policy

1. Purpose

At Novatek AS, reg. no. 951 065 706 (hereafter referred to as "the company", "we", "us" and "our"), we protect your personal integrity and always strive for a high level of data protection. This privacy policy is aimed at you who visit and contact us on our website, represent an existing or potential customer, receive newsletters/marketing mailings or attend events. The purpose of this policy is to tell you how we collect and use your personal data. It also describes what rights you have and how you can use them

2. Background

2.1 What is personal data and processing

Personal data is information about an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to a name, a social security number, location data, an IP address or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Processing of personal data is everything that happens with the personal data. Any action performed with personal data constitutes processing, regardless of whether it is performed automatically or not. Examples of common processing operations are collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, processing, transfer and deletion.

2.2 Why we collect your personal data

We collect your personal data only when we have a legal basis for doing so. We may need your personal data to fulfill agreements or laws and to perform customer and market analysis. We may also need your personal data in order to provide you with good service, for example in terms of marketing, follow-up and information. For each specific processing of personal data where we collect personal data from you, we inform you about the processing of personal data.

2.3 Where we process your personal data

We strive to process all data within the EU, but may in some cases transfer personal data to recipients in countries outside the EU/EEA that do not have the same level of protection for personal data as within the EU. To ensure that the personal data is adequately protected, we will take the necessary measures, e.g. by entering into the European Commission's standard contractual clauses or ensuring that other appropriate security measures are in place.

2.4 How long do we store your personal data?

We store your data for as long as the data is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data was originally collected, and we also have clear deletion routines. The data may also be stored for as long as required by applicable legislation.

Further information about storage time is provided at the start of specific personal data processing and if you have questions about processing times, you are welcome to contact us at firmapost@novatek.no

3. Guidelines

3.1 What personal data do we process?

We process personal data only when we have a legal basis. Here are examples of personal data we process:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Your phone number
  • Data that you have registered yourself and voluntarily provided
  • Content that you publish yourself, so-called user-generated content

You can find more information about the processing of personal data in section "3.2 - How do we access your personal data?".

‍3.2 How do we access your personal data?

Where necessary or otherwise appropriate, your consent will be obtained before we start processing your personal data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. We will then no longer process your personal data or obtain new ones, provided that it is not necessary to fulfill our obligations under contract or law. When we enter into an agreement, you also consent to us processing your personal data.

We also access your personal data in the following ways:

  • To communicate with and answer questions from you
    Purpose: We process your personal data for the purpose of communicating with you and answering questions from you when you interact with us, e.g. if we receive a question from you regarding our service offering.
    Categories of personal data: We collect your name, email address, address, telephone number (work and mobile) and other information that you provide to us (e.g. departmental affiliation and position).
    Legal basis: The legal basis for this processing is a balancing of interests to satisfy our legitimate interest in communicating with you and dealing with your queries.
    Retention period and/or criteria: We will process your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill our purpose and will then delete the personal data, unless we have a different purpose under this Privacy Policy.
  • Completion of requests and surveys
    Purpose: We process your personal data when you respond to requests or participate in surveys.
    Categories of personal data: We collect your name, email address, address, phone number (work and mobile) and other information that you provide to us (e.g. in free text fields).
    Legal basis: The legal basis for this processing is a balancing of interests to satisfy our legitimate interest in understanding how our products and services should be designed to meet the needs of existing and potential customers.
    Retention period and/or criteria: We will process your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill our purpose and will then delete the personal data, unless we have a different purpose under this privacy policy. As an existing or potential customer, you always have the option to refuse to participate in surveys or polls.
  • Using, troubleshooting and keeping statistics for our website
    Purpose: We process certain information about website visitors in order to use our website as intended, keep statistics and perform troubleshooting.
    Categories of personal data: Personal data is collected via cookies and consists of e.g. IP address, device model and data traffic source (e.g. if you clicked through to our website through promotions).
    Lawful basis: We process such personal data based on our legitimate interest in improving the website. You can object to this processing at any time by adjusting your cookie preferences.
    Storage period and/or criteria: Unless you have adjusted your cookie preferences, we will process your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill our purpose and will then delete the personal data, unless we have another purpose under this privacy policy.
  • Contacting you as a representative of a potential customer
    Purpose: In order for us to be able to market our services, identify new customers and create offers in our sales process, we process your personal data as a representative of a potential customer. We use e.g. compilations of public registers and databases and social media to identify representatives of potential customers.
    Categories of personal data: We collect your name, email address, address, telephone number (work and mobile) and information about departmental affiliation and position. We also note if there is interest from you.
    Lawful basis: We base this processing, after a balancing of interests, on our legitimate interest in identifying new customers in order to be able to market our service offering to them.
    Storage period and/or criteria: The personal data is stored in our CRM and quotation systems or similar. As a representative of a potential customer, you can always ask us to unsubscribe you.
  • Marketing mailing
    Purpose: We process personal data in order to provide information and newsletters to representatives of existing and potential customers. The personal data is collected directly from representatives of existing and potential customers, e.g. in connection with events, through cookies or through public registers and databases. The information is provided by telephone, letter, e-mail, SMS and/or similar contact methods, as well as through advertising.
    Categories of personal data: Personal data that is processed is name, e-mail address, address, telephone number (work and mobile) and information about departmental affiliation and position. We also process information about visitor usage, website clicks, traffic data (IP address and device model) and data traffic source (e.g. if you clicked through to our website through campaigns) through cookies to optimize marketing.
    Legal basis: The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing information about and marketing our services.
    Storage period and/or criteria: The personal data will be stored until the purpose for which it was collected is fulfilled. You can always ask us to deregister you. We will then cease to process your personal data for this purpose.
  • Implementation of marketing activities and events
    Purpose: We may contact you as a representative of existing or potential customers for the purpose of inviting you to marketing activities (events, lectures, seminars, courses or similar). We process personal data to the extent necessary to carry out the activity, to follow up on participation and to be able to target marketing.
    Categories of personal data: We process your name, email address, address, telephone number (work and mobile) and other relevant contact information that you have provided to us, which we have collected from public registers and databases, or from our CRM systems if you are an existing customer representative, in order to be able to send out invitations, participant lists and materials before and after the activity.
    Lawful basis: We process your personal data in accordance with our legitimate interest in being able to provide information about events that we organize, carry out the event and to be able to direct offers of our services to participants.
    Storage period and/or criteria: We process your personal data for as long as it is necessary to carry out the event. The participant list is stored for administration and follow-up so that we can target marketing to participants about our services. You may at any time object to our processing of your personal data for this purpose and we will then cease to process your personal data, unless we have another purpose under this privacy policy.

4. Who can we share your personal data with?

Where necessary, we share your personal data with companies that are suppliers to us in one way or another. These suppliers are called personal data processors. A personal data processor is a company that processes personal data on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions.

When your personal data is shared with personal data processors, it is only done for the purposes we have specified. We check all personal data processors to ensure that they can provide sufficient guarantees for the security and confidentiality of personal data. We have written agreements with all personal data processors in which they guarantee the security of the personal data being processed and undertake to comply with our security requirements as well as restrictions and requirements applicable to the international transfer of personal data.

We will never pass on your personal data to any other third party.

5. Dine rights

You have certain rights related to how we process your personal data, namely:

  • Right of access (so-called register extract) - you have the right to request information about what personal data we process about you, e.g. by requesting a so-called register extract.
  • Right to rectification - if you believe that personal data about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request rectification or supplementation of your personal data.
  • Right to object - In some cases, you have the right to object to our processing of personal data. The right to object applies when personal data is processed based on a balancing of interests and we will not continue the processing of personal data unless we have reasons that consider your privacy interest.
  • Right to restriction of processing - you can request the restriction of processing if, for example, you consider the personal data to be inaccurate. In such cases, you can also request that the processing of the data be restricted while the accuracy of the data is investigated.
  • Right to erasure - in some cases, you may request that your personal data is erased, e.g. if it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it is processed or if you believe that the processing is incompatible with applicable data protection legislation.
  • Right to data portability - you also have the right in certain cases to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability) for transfer to another data controller.
  • Right to withdraw your consent - you can withdraw your consent at any time and we will stop processing your personal data for that purpose.
  • Right to object to processing for direct marketing purposes - you can opt out of mailings at any time by notifying us or, if possible, by clicking on an unsubscribe link in the mailing.

If you have any questions about the rights of the data subjects or wish to exercise your rights, please contact firmapost@novatek.no

6. Complaints

If you believe that Novatek AS is not processing your personal data correctly, you always have the right to submit a complaint regarding Novatek AS' personal data processing to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. More information can be found on the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's website https://www.datatilsynet.no

7. Changes to this privacy policy

Novatek AS reserves the right to update or change this policy at any time, and you should regularly visit this website to obtain the latest version.

8. Responsibility

Novatek AS, org. no. 951065 706 is the personal data controller, which means that we are responsible for how your personal data is processed and that your rights are safeguarded.

If you want or need to get in touch with Novatek AS regarding privacy and data protection issues, please contact us at firmapost@novatek.no

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